Health Intelligence for Impact Results

With the intelligent solutions of Homedical, operators can optimize investments in health prevention.

Populational Screening
Knowing the profile of utilization of health resources of a population is the first step towards a clear vision of the most effective health needs and investments.
The diagnosis, made from the integration, analysis and stratification of the databases, allows a deep understanding of the needs of the organization for the development of a sustainable plan for the integral management of health.
Homedical, through a system of information stratification, offers a detailed view of the use of health resources, with the most relevant clinical and economic aspects, through a customizable dashboard, dynamic filters and periodic updates. A specialized team works with the client managers to draw up the best strategic plan for investments, control and health practices, focusing on financial return.

Selection by complexity level
With the Homedical Total Management Program the health operators can separate their beneficiaries into groups of low, medium and high complexity. Thus, attention can be focused on preventing high operational costs even before those chronic diseases reach more advanced stages, when the demand for supplies, structure and health professionals tends to be higher.

Management of chronic patients
All stratified patients will be classified into groups according to the pathology and risk factors involved. The groups will be monitored through protocols guided by Evidence-Based Medicine and will have lines of specific care for each profile, establishing health promotion and prevention objectives using tools such as:
- Telemonitoring;
- Web epidemiological platform;
- Professional visits (doctors, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, etc.);
- Homedical Phone – 24 Hours (specialized support available 24 hours);
- APH – Pre-hospital care.
Quality of this Solution:
- Customizable initial approach and monitoring protocols;
- Functional electronic records in the management of Preventive Medicine;
- Advanced research to identify groups of risks;
- Management of the follow-up of outpatient and/or home visits;
- Measurement of automated epidemiological indicators.

Homedical Phone
With the Central Clinic Homedical, the demands related to health can be solved at any time in the patient’s residence, with comfort, resolutivity and humanized attention.
The Central Clinic is a product for any user profile. Health professionals specialized in urgency and emergency cases are available 24 hours, whenever there is a need related to health, seeking a complete resolution for each demand or addressing the most appropriate healthcare resource. The intercurrences are followed by our team until the patient’s condition stabilizes, while the health state is guided by algorithms and clinical protocols.

Inpatient Hospital Management
We monitor inpatients and we intermediate, along with the Hospital staff, the clinical needs that must be provided at home for the patients.
We know that discharges without proper guidance and clarification can contribute to readmissions.
We follow this process and reinforce with patients, family and caregivers all the necessary care to stabilize the condition and we provide assistance through our Central Clinic Homedical 24 hours.

Short-term programs with predefined deadlines and costs
Homedical has short-term programs that have predefined deadlines and costs. This contributes to a personalized service, according to the need of each patient. In addition, it gives security to the operator at the time of hiring, having control of the costs involved in the provision of services.
Safe de-hospitalization - program with predefined duration
Program focused on patients who remained hospitalized. De-hospitalization generates insecurity and doubts about caring for the family.
- Gradual transfer of care with the patient to the family and/or caregiver;
- Indicated for patients who have been hospitalized for a long period;
- Indicated for the recovery of patients in postoperative of surgeries;
- Nursing care for the various needs in the period;
- Homedical Phone - Central Clinic 24 hours.
Respiratory rehabilitation
It allows the de-hospitalization of patients who presented some type of acute respiratory decompensation and still require an intensified action for a predetermined period.
The program offers:
- Physiotherapeutic care for a predetermined period, with concentrated visits throughout the program, allowing fast recovery;
- Homedical Phone - Clinic 24 hours;
- Support for respiratory exercises - CPAP or BIPAP equipment, in addition to the materials needed for the service.
Home Healing Program
At the Homedical Healing Program, a multiprofessional team carries out a global evaluation of the patient and proposes a treatment based on objective criteria.
With three levels of complexity, it contemplates the analysis, preparation and execution of bandages, as well as the training of the patient and caregiver for self-care during the cicatrization of the wound.
For the analysis and classification of bandages, the TIME methodology was used, one of the most modern and applied worldwide.
Home Antibiotic Therapy Program
Our Home Medication Administration and Injection Service is targeted at those who need to receive prescription drugs and at those to whom drug administration can be performed outside the hospital environment by a trained nurse practitioner without the need for prolongation or hospitalization per se.

Home Care
Home Care
We offer Home Care services for patients who have a stable clinical picture and do not need the whole hospital structure to continue the treatment.
- Accomplishment of punctual therapies and follow-up;
- Performing complex dressings;
- Medical and multiprofessional clinical monitoring programs;
- Nutritional support.
Home Hospitalization
Patients who require mechanical ventilation, invasive or not, need specific technical care. Due to the need for a modern, high-tech, life support specific equipment for the patient, this form of care requires a highly complex logistics service for its implementation. We have a compatible structure of human and technological resources to meet this need.
- Clinically stable patient, who needs to complement treatment under medical supervision, nursing and multidisciplinary team;
- Need for life support appliances;
- Patients with chronic diseases, with a known clinical history, in acute periods;
- Prolonged or recurrent infectious processes;
- Palliative care.